2022: A Year in Review

I know I’m not the only one who felt like 2022 just flew by!! This past year was huge for me. In October of 2021, I quit my 15+ year career as a nurse, and decided to purse my photography business full time. And if I’m being honest, this first full year in business was hard! Being a small business owner and a mom to 3 at the same time is tough. But, it’s so worth it.

The past 365 days have provided me with so many amazing opportunities, and thinking back on all of them makes me overwhelmed with gratitude. So, I figured it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane and revisit all that this year brought. Check out all the amazing memories that made 2022 so special:

Hosted 5 mini events

Shot for over 400 families

shot for 195 families at the Santa event

Celebrated 35 moms at the Motherhood event

had my work featured monthly in the Lake Country Neighbors Magazine

Hosted brand photoshoots for little sleepies

shot for & supported various local businesses


Take Your Business to a New Level This 2023


The Santa Experience 2022 Recap