What to Wear to Your Family Photography Session

Lifestyle Family Photograph by Katie Emanuelson Photography.

I’m gearing up for a busy family photography season and I cant wait to see so many of my returning families and many new families as well!

Whether you’ve done this before or are a first timer to the photo session experience, chances are you are wondering how to prepare!

One of the most exciting parts of preparing for your session is planning out what you are going to wear. This is the time to really express who your family is! 

While I don't style my families, I do help them along the way if they ask! I thought it would be helpful to take some of the stress out of outfit planning and put together my 10 most important tips i tell all of my families!

1. My most important tip - BE YOURSELF!

Lifestyle photography is meant to be authentic! If you don’t normally wear dressy clothing, then don’t wear it to the shoot. If Susie absolutely hates wearing a dress or flower crown, don’t force her to. If Jimmy can’t stand wearing a tie, then don’t put him in one. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t dress your best, but it does mean that you can dress your best in your own style.

2. Coordinate your looks, don’t go matchy match.

to be 100% real with you, it is out of style for everyone to show up in jeans and a black tee shirt. and trust me, my parents, sister and i did this back in 2010! The photography trends have changed and nowadays, the look is to pick a color scheme! You should look for complimentary colors, and a variety of patterns/textures. I like to lay out everyone’s outfits on the floor, and add and subtract pieces until it all looks great together, as a whole!

3. Mom, this is your time to shine!

I love when mothers arrive in something they feel amazing in! This is your time to shine, and you should feel like a goddess in the photos. If that means wearing a flowy dress, do it! I recommend you chose YOUR outfit first, (because let face it, we are the hardest people to shop for anyways), then base everyone else’s look around that. This is what i do for my own family photos and it works great!

4. Just say no to big graphics and neon colors.

Big logos, screen prints and graphics tend to go out of style and i feel like they steal the focus away from the person wearing them. another pro tip - colors bounce! When your son or husband wear a neon colored athletic shirt, the color of the shirt will be reflected onto their faces - we don’t want that!

5. Make sure your clothes fit.

I get it, kids grow so fast! I often size up pieces in my kid’s wardrobe so they last longer - but your photo session outfit is not the time! Make sure your outfits are fitting properly, nothing worse than Johnny’s pants sagging down and having to continually worry about readjusting.

6. Dress in Layers.

Layers add visual interest. I love different textural layers that elevate your outfit. Layers are great too because they can be removed during the shoot and almost give you another look. Some pieces i like to use are hats, scarves, jackets, vests, tights, and so on.

7. Accessorize.

A great outfit won’t look so great with a beat up pair of sneakers. Definitely take into consideration your footwear, hairpieces, and jewelry, as these can add a pop of color too!

8. Get Inspired!

If all else fails, browse the internet. If you admired one of your Facebook friend’s photos, take a closer look at what they are wearing. Pinterest can be a great resource as well for color schemes! Take a look at MY PINTEREST BOARD HERE for some ideas!

9. Consider the Season.

Because we live in Wisconsin, chances are you are going to be looking at a completely different wardrobe if you are booking a spring photo shoot vs. a winter photo shoot. Take into consideration your surroundings! How will your color scheme look with the blooming trees or the fall leaves.

10. Final Thoughts.

The last thing I wanted to add here are my personal preferences for outfits! Here are some things I just love: a neutal color scheme. when a mom or daughter have their hair down - I love to play with it and get great MOVEMENT shots with it. babies in cute bonnets, headbands, and pinafores. Little girls in twirly dresses, because again - movement. Dads in jeans that don’t give him a saggy bottom, and i will also add - no cell phone, wallet buldge in the pockets. little dudes in suspenders and rompers! Mom’s showing up looking like a goddess - taking the time to do your makeup, hair, nails, and so on. this is your session! lets make the most of it! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Did this help? Do you have another idea/advice? Leave me a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!


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