4 MUST-HAVES For Your Camera Bag

Family photographers…this is for you! Check out my four absolute must-haves when it comes to packing my camera bag.

  1. A squeaky and/or noisy toy to get the kids to pay attention to me. Yes, I might be sweating and acting a fool to get some smiles. And no, I do not care how I look to the outsiders :)

  2. Snacks - AKA Bribes - When I’m on location, I like to bring small treats for the kiddos. Mini marshmallows and fruit snacks are my go to! Kids love them and they don’t stain teeth or clothes when we sneak them in mid session.

  3. I bring a backup camera body and lenses. Never...I repeat NEVER go on a shoot without back up equipment. You never know when the worst can happen. Yes, it has happened to me before, and I was prepared!

  4. Several memory cards - I always shoot with two memory cards in my camera. Each shot I take copies onto both cards. This way, I always have a back up! I also carry with me several additional cards, because if you’ve ever had a session with me, you KNOW I’m an overshooter! 50 photos for a mini session anyone?? Ooooppps :-)


How To Handle The Wild Toddler At Your Photoshoot