4 Questions for your Newborn Photographer

  1. What is your newborn safety training and is your business insured?

    Do not, I repeat, DO NOT even consider hiring someone unless they have some sort of formal training in safe newborn handling. This may not have been on your radar before, but it’s sure going to be there now! Secondly, and also super important - is their business insured? Your photographer needs to be insured, no questions asked. If the worst case scenario happens - if baby gets injured - who’s paying the medical bills? Please make sure to hire a legal business, with a photographer who’s trained to handle and pose your baby safely.

  2. What does a photoshoot with you look like?

    Before you book with a photoshoot with a new photographer, ask the general questions so that you can learn all about what your experience will be like. Because remember...you're not just paying for photos. You're paying for an experience, which, ideally, should be top notch! Do they have an indoor studio? Do they only do in-home sessions? How long does an average session take? Do they provide any props for photoshoots? How will you prepare us for the session? What is your rescheduling policy?

  3. What’s included in your session fee? What can we expect after the the session?

    These answers should be crystal clear. There should not be any gray area. Expect an answer such as, "The session costs X and you receive X photos back." You can also ask questions like: What products are included? What upgrades are available to us? What is your turn around time? Obviously, photography is a big investment. When finding a new photographer, you want to make sure that you're clear on what your investment will include so that you can make a wise and informed decision about what's best for you and your family.

  4. How do we book with you?

    Ok, so now that they've answered the important questions, you might be ready to make a decision and actually book with the photographer. The photographer should be able to give you clear instructions on booking. They should let you know how to book, when to book, how payments are made, and most importantly - they should send you a contract. Contracts will outline the terms of service, and also protect you! If the photographer does not have a contract, this is definitely a red flag and you should reconsider your decision.


How to Have a Stress-Free Family Photoshoot


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