Want to Know a Secret?

Here’s my secret…

I can guarantee that you will never regret having newborn photos taken. But, you most likely will regret not having them taken.

I know you feel tired, and your body is still recovering. I know you are still figuring things out with your new baby, and the adjustment has NOT been easy.

But here’s the thing, this time is so fleeting. I speak from experience when I say, you will not remember this season with clarity a few years from now. It’s almost like our brain has this protective mechanism, so we forgot how hard it was in the trenches. And then, we make more babies, lol.

I promise you, one day you will look back, and you'll have very little recollection of how tiny your baby was, and how you felt about your husband when he started his role as “dad.” Wow, nothing sexier than a man changing a poopie diaper, am I right?!

My job is to capture these moments for you. I want to document the absolute miracle that is your new baby. Because one day, you will want to look back and remember this time. I promise.


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