Preparing for your Maternity Photoshoot

Pregnancy is a whirlwind. It sometimes feels like the to-do list is ten miles long, and who knows if it’s ever going to get shorter?? But when it comes to your pregnancy photoshoot, we do not want it to feel like a whirlwind. Below, I’ve listed some tips to help you best prepare for your upcoming session:

  1. View your preparation as self care: Leading up to your session, I’m sure you’re going to want to get your hair done, maybe get a fresh manicure, and pick out a new outfit. Instead of viewing these things as more things that you have to get done, try to view it as self care. Soak it in and enjoy it.

  2. Schedule wisely: I recommend scheduling your maternity photoshoot at around 32 weeks. At this point, your bump is definitely there, but you’re too far along that the session will be miserable.

  3. Choosing your outfit: Most ladies opt for a longer dress at their maternity session. Whether it’s form-fitting or flowy is totally up to you. If you’re not sure which route to go, I would recommend choosing whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. The last thing you want is to be uncomfortable at your shoot!

  4. Take a deep breath: I know, it’s cheesy. But if you’re feeling stressed about your maternity photoshoot, know that it’s normal! You’re about to enter into a whole new season of life, so you are totally validated in feeling stressed. Just know that at your maternity session, I’ll follow your lead. Need a break? Great. Need to sit for a while? Been there, I understand.

If you have any questions about scheduling a maternity photoshoot or if you’re ready to book, click the link below!


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